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Quick Post (=Bookmarklet) [ MovableType ]

Orbium -そらのたま-: 引用元を自動生成するBookmarklet
こんなのを見つけた。Bookmarklet というものらしい。ブックマークの親戚かと思ったら違うようだ(笑)。良くは分からないが便利という話なので,さっそく設定してみた。そのままだと特別便利というわけでもない,と書いてあったが,やってみると,そのときに見ていたページのタイトルとリンクが自動的にエントリーに書かれていて,しかもTrackbackまで自動でしたようだ。うーん,便利すぎる(笑)。でもTrackbackしたくないときはどうするんだろう。もっと勉強しよっと!


投稿者 sukarabe : 2004年09月19日 17:08



このリストは、次のエントリーを参照しています: Quick Post (=Bookmarklet):

» Bookmarklet from PC Blog @ Noel Cafe
Decodeボタンをつけたり、HRボタンつけたり、 Blockquoteボタンつけたりするときに edit_entry.tmpl以外にbm_entry.tmpl... [続きを読む]

トラックバック時刻: 2004年09月20日 10:02


While the skills cast-off to earn them are certainly exciting, it is the unrevealed organize lower down that transforms the bracelets from sheer jewelry into stories.
In this covering, the copper cast-off for the bracelets was indeed the outer jacket of a 155mm artillery expend — the remnants of war, unfortunately, that are as much a large of Cambodia's annals as Angkor Wat.
What has happened here has a approachable of gift to its witless beauty. Etching the patterns of the obsolete last alters the figurative patterns of Cambodia's more modern and unlucky late into something reliable: skills and incomes for victims of genocidal conflict.

投稿者 hemHiehomyfex : 2008年06月03日 17:22

While the skills cast-off to earn them are certainly exciting, it is the unrevealed organize lower down that transforms the bracelets from sheer jewelry into stories.
In this covering, the copper cast-off for the bracelets was indeed the outer jacket of a 155mm artillery expend — the remnants of war, unfortunately, that are as much a large of Cambodia's annals as Angkor Wat.
What has happened here has a approachable of gift to its witless beauty. Etching the patterns of the obsolete last alters the figurative patterns of Cambodia's more modern and unlucky late into something reliable: skills and incomes for victims of genocidal conflict.

投稿者 hemHiehomyfex : 2008年06月03日 17:22

While the skills cast-off to earn them are certainly exciting, it is the unrevealed organize lower down that transforms the bracelets from sheer jewelry into stories.
In this covering, the copper cast-off for the bracelets was indeed the outer jacket of a 155mm artillery expend — the remnants of war, unfortunately, that are as much a large of Cambodia's annals as Angkor Wat.
What has happened here has a approachable of gift to its witless beauty. Etching the patterns of the obsolete last alters the figurative patterns of Cambodia's more modern and unlucky late into something reliable: skills and incomes for victims of genocidal conflict.

投稿者 hemHiehomyfex : 2008年06月03日 17:23


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